The safety of our students and SMBE family members is our main priority at St. Margaret's Bay Elementary.
Access to our school can be very difficult at times - expecially during inclement weather.
Vehicle access to our school is limited.
There are accessible parking spots available in our parking area. These spaces should only be used by those who require them - even if you are doing just a quick drop off.
If your child is eligible for bussing we encourage you to have your child ride the bus to school whenever possible.
If you need to drop off your child at school we ask that you please use our student drop off lane that is just past the accessible parking spots. Please follow the flow of traffic arrows that will lead you around the staff parking lot to the designated area. One of the school staff will be there to help and will open doors and help grab school bags and then direct students along the sidewalk and into the school. We ask that you not stop in other areas of the driveway to get your children out of the vehicle. We understand that you might want to get them out earlier but please wait to let students out of the car until you are in the “drop off area”.
Once on school grounds, it is very important that you follow these guidelines:
- Drive slowly!
- Do not enter the bus loop at SMBE unless it is after 8:45am!
- If planning to stop and park, please pull into our parking lot and find a space. Park your vehicle and walk your child to the crosswalk.
- Travel our parking lot carefully and yield to all pedestrians.
- When walking please use all crosswalks around the school. Do not cut across the bus lane.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.